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Your IELTS Speaking Guide

Feeling nervous about the IELTS Speaking exam? Our FREE guide, "Your IELTS Speaking Guide", has got you covered! Packed with expert advice and insider tips, this guide will help you approach the test with confidence and achieve your best possible score. Click the link to download your free copy now!

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    “Volevo ringraziare caldamente per il sostegno e la disponibilità ricevuta! Inoltre ho passato il mio test IELTS con un punteggio totale di 6, idoneo quindi ai requisiti d’iscrizione del master! ”


    Dicembre 2021

    In our guide you'll find:

    - A detailed description of the three parts of the exam;

    - An evaluation of the criteria for the IELTS Speaking

    - An explanation of how to score for each part of the IELTS Speaking exam;

    - A discussion on the best time to take the IELTS exam.;

    Here's what students say about us:

    Ringrazio tutto lo staff per avermi aiutato a raggiungere il mio obiettivo e consiglio a chiunque voglia frequentare un vero corso di inglese di rivolgersi a English School Como


    Un grazie a tutto lo staff e ai teachers.👩‍🏫 👨‍🏫 Competenza e professionalità che mi hanno accompagnato in questi mesi!


    THE ENGLISH SCHOOL COMO - Exam Experts at your side to assist you in achieving your goals

    We are a team of qualified mother-tongue teachers with years of experience in training and preparing our students for the IELTS exam.

    The English School Como is a Recognised Preparation Centre for Cambridge Language Assessment Exams. We prepare for all Cambridge exams up to Proficiency.

    Our team is made up of teachers who are also certified examiners, all experts in Cambridge and IELTS international exam training and preparation.

    Every year we train hundreds of students and prepare just as many to face international exams that open the door to opportunities in study and in the world of work.

    Contact us to book your free consultation and level test and to organise your trial lessons.

    The English School Como

    Via Tommaso Grossi 9

    22100 Como

    Tel: +39 031 3100945

    Email: [email protected]