So you've passed FCE now what?


So you’ve passed FCE, now what?

The choices you have are CAE - Cambridge Advanced or IELTS.

So what’s the difference and which one should you study for?

Well, your decision will be based on lots of factors.

The most important thing you need to do before you start preparing is find out what you need for university or for moving to another country.

To find out look at the site of the university you would like to apply to or if it’s for emigrating look at the visa regulations for the country you’re interested in going to.

Now let’s look at 6 basic differences between IELTS and CAE.

1. IELTS IS DIVIDED INTO TWO TYPES OF EXAM - GENERAL TRAINING used mainly by people who want to emigrate and need a visa and ACADEMIC, used mainly by students who want to study at university abroad and sometimes, as in the case of Italy, at home. CAE is one exam for everyone

2. The IELTS exam covers everything from B1 PET level to C2 CPE OR PROFICIENCY LEVEL of the Cambridge exams. That means that if you are at a B1 level you will find IELTS very challenging, especially the academic exam. BUT you will receive a certificate even if you are at B1 level. CAE is designed for people who are at C1 level and you will fail the exam and won’t receive a certificate if you are not at C1 level.

3. Both exams test reading writing speaking and listening but CAE has a use of English component in the reading section which tests grammar and vocabulary.

4. IELTS Academic is more academic English, the English you use at University, while CAE has a variety of styles and registers so you’re expected to know how to write different types of text.

5. The speaking part of CAE is like all the other Cambridge exams. You interact with a partner during the exam and you’re marked on how well you interact. There are pictures and prompts again just like other Cambridge exams in CAE. In the IELTS speaking test you are alone, there’s no interaction with another candidate and your interview is recorded and marked by another examiner.

6. CAE is a longer exam, lasting over three hours while the IELTS exam lasts less than three hours.

One extra difference

IELTS has an expiry date, so it’s no longer valid after two years. This means its always best to have a plan of what you want to do with it before you take the exam. Cambridge exams do not have an expiry date however some university faculties do specify that you have to have taken the exam in the previous two years before your application so once again check the requirements at the university you are applying to.

We hope this information helps you make your decision.

Take advantage of our limited-time offer and sign up now for our C1 course TODAY!

Our course is designed to help you achieve your desired IELTS score or CAE mark and improve your English skills.

With experienced instructors, engaging materials, and personalised feedback, we provide a comprehensive and effective learning experience.

Don't miss this opportunity to invest in your future and open up new opportunities for your education, career, and life. Enrol now and start your journey towards success! Contact us today for your free consultation with one of our qualified teachers and to book your free trial lesson:

The English School Como

via Tommaso Grossi 9,

22100 Como

Telephone: 031 3100945

Email: [email protected]

C1 Preparation Courses

If you want more specific and personalised help with preparing for IELTS or CAE, we are here to help you.

Our course will prepare you to face the exam and get the results you need.

In our course you will get:

  • lessons every week with a fully qualified EXAM specialist. The course will be divided, just like the exam, into reading, writing, listening and speaking lessons. During each lesson you will work together with your teacher on one part of the test to make sure you understand how it works, how marks are awarded and to develop all the techniques you need to approach that part well;
  • Weekly complete, timed simulations of the listening, reading and writing exam. These simulations can be booked depending on how much time you have available. You will sit in exam conditions at our school and be given the amount of time you actually have in the exam to complete the simulation;
  • accurate marks for each simulation you do provided by one of our experts.
  • specific, personalised advise on where your weaknesses and strengths are and on how to focus your preparation time;
  • speaking simulations with detailed feedback;
  • constant support from our experts, who will give you consistent guidance so you always know where to focus your efforts;
  • conversation courses to improve your fluency.

By the end of the course you will have a clear idea of every aspect of the exam and more importantly an accurate estimate of what final mark you can hope to achieve at this point in your preparation.

This course is for you if:

  • You have to present a C1 Certificate by a certain date;
  • You need to concentrate your preparation in an intensive way to get the results you need;
  • You've already tried do-it-yourself preparation and you feel you are wasting your time;
  • You know that expert guidance and feedback on where to concentrate your study efforts will get you a better mark;

Get in touch today:

The English School Como

Phone 031 3100945

Whatsapp 333 61 80 910

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Download our free PDF IELTS Speaking Guide.

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IELTS Speaking Guide

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    The English School Como è un Recognised Preparation Centre per tutti gli esami di Cambridge ESOL.