The English School Como

La Scuola di Inglese di Via Tommaso Grossi 9

Exciting Summer Camps 2024 Announcement!

With Colloboriamo Parents’ Association

Scuola Primaria “Francesco Baracca” via Brambilla, 49 – Como

With Colloboriamo Parents’ Association

Scuola Primaria “Salvatore D’Imme” via Pacinotti, 1 – Civiglio

With Collegio Gallio

Collegio Gallio, Via Tolomeo Gallio, 1, 22100 Como CO


With Colloboriamo Parents’ Association

Scuola Primaria “Francesco Baracca” via Brambilla, 49 – Como

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our highly anticipated Summer Camps for 2024! Get ready for an unforgettable experience filled with learning, adventure, and fun. Explore English-Speaking Cultures: This year, we're taking our summer camps to new heights by collaborating with local schools and parent associations to offer a wide range of stimulating activities in spacious environments. Our dedicated team of well-trusted and loved teachers will lead your children on a journey to explore the cultures, traditions, and landscapes of English-speaking countries around the world. From England to Australia, Canada to South Africa, we'll delve into the rich tapestry of these diverse nations, fostering an appreciation for global diversity and nurturing a curiosity about the world beyond our borders.

In Collaboration with the Parents Association 'Collaboriamo'

Locations and Dates:

10th – 28th June, Scuola Primaria “Francesco Baracca” via Brambilla, 49 – Como

22nd July – 2nd August, Scuola Primaria “Salvatore D’Imme” via Pacinotti, 1 – Civiglio

26th August – 6th September Scuola Primaria “Francesco Baracca” via Brambilla, 49 – Como

Vivi la magia dell'English City Camp a Como: un'avventura estiva unica nel suo genere.

L'apprendimento della lingua inglese fin da piccoli offre numerosi vantaggi ai bambini, come ad esempio: Maggiore facilità nell'apprendimento di altre lingue: l'inglese è una lingua universale e impararla fin da piccoli aiuta i bambini a sviluppare le loro capacità linguistiche, rendendo più facile l'apprendimento di altre lingue in futuro. Opportunità di lavoro globali: l'inglese è la lingua degli affari e dell'economia globale, e impararla fin da piccoli può aprire molte porte ai nostri piccoli nel mondo del lavoro. Miglioramento delle capacità cognitive: lo studio dell'inglese aiuta a sviluppare le capacità cognitive dei bambini, migliorando la loro memoria e la loro capacità di risolvere problemi. Stimolazione del cervello: l'apprendimento di una seconda lingua stimola il cervello dei bambini, aiutandoli a sviluppare la loro creatività e la loro capacità di pensiero critico. Espansione delle conoscenze culturali: lo studio dell'inglese consente ai bambini di conoscere altre culture e di aprirsi a nuove esperienze, favorendo la loro crescita personale. In sintesi, l'apprendimento della lingua inglese fin da piccoli può offrire numerosi vantaggi ai nostri piccoli, preparandoli per un futuro di successo e arricchendo le loro vite in molti modi diversi.

Cultivating English Fluency and Confidence:
Our Camp Objectives

The main objective is to provide children with an engaging and immersive English learning experience, where they can explore the language through interactive activities, games, and hands-on experiences tailored to their age; ignite a passion for learning English, and build children’s confidence in using the language in real-life situations.


• Language immersion

• Cultural exploration

• Personal growth

• Cognitive and linguistic development

For information about registration:



Registration: For detailed information about registration, please complete the  registration form.

We create a supportive environment in our summer camps that enhances the learning experience. We tailor our teaching methods and activities closely to the needs of our students, ensuring a more personalized and effective learning journey. Children are encouraged to engage and participate in various activities, fostering a richer, more supportive environment for them to thrive linguistically and culturally. Through this collaborative effort, we aim to not only teach English but also to instill a lifelong appreciation for language learning and cultural understanding.

Maximum Creativity!

City Camp
City Camp

From 1st to 19th July we’re in Collegio Gallio

The City Camp

In Collaboration with Collegio Gallio

Location and Dates:

1st to 19th July, Via Tolomeo Gallio, 1, 22100 Como CO

Let's build
your child's future in English

Vantaggi dell'apprendimento precoce dell'inglese per bambini

At Collegio Gallio from 1st to 19th July

Why and how will the activities we offer in our City Camps help your child’s English skills?

Taking language out of the classroom context and using it in everyday activities brings English to life, makes it practical, and gives it meaning beyond just a school subject.

All this means that academic English becomes an addition to what the language truly is – a living form of communication. With a much broader framework to incorporate English, achieving good marks at school becomes easier, while learning English to use it effectively becomes the main focus for our students.

How do we know?

For over 10 years, we have been organising intensive courses for teenagers and summer camps for children. We have seen the results. We have seen those children who were among the first to experience our intensive courses “come out the other side,” so to speak, with a mastery of the language that speaks volumes about the effectiveness of our communicative English teaching method.

Expert Qualified Teachers
and Native Speakers of English


Certified native English-speaking teachers with years of experience in teaching English to children

Your children will be in the capable hands of certified English teachers. These professionals have been trained to teach children of all ages and language proficiency levels.

  They use fun and engaging techniques to make learning English both enjoyable and effective. Our teachers are passionate about teaching English as a second language and understand the unique challenges it entails. They will provide your child with individual attention and support to ensure they are making progress in their language skills. With their expertise, your child will not only improve their fluency in English but also gain confidence in effective communication.

Invest in your children's English:
prepare them for the future

City Camp

How to sign up with Collaboriamo 2024

  1. Pick your dates:

Via Brambilla, Como: 10th -28th June 

Via Pacinotti 1, Civiglio: 22nd July – 2nd August 

Via Brambilla, Como: 26th August – 6th September 

2. Complete your Registration: For detailed information and registration, click here   Information and registration form.

How to sign up with Collegio Gallio

1st to 19th July

Contact the administration office at Collegio Gallio on Via Gallio for booking details: 031 269302

We guide your children towards mastering English

The English School Como

Enrolling your child in our Summer Camps in Como will certainly be a decision that you and your child will appreciate for years to come. Not only will they have the opportunity to learn English in an engaging and fun environment, but they will also make lasting friendships. The combination of education, adventure, and cultural exchange makes this summer camp an unforgettable experience.

At our Summer Camps in Como, we believe that children should have fun while they learn. Our experienced teachers are trained to build each child’s confidence in their language abilities, encouraging them to try new things and explore their interests. Our safe environment ensures that your child can enjoy all activities worry-free, leaving parents reassured knowing their child is in good hands. So why wait? Give your child a summer they’ll never forget by enrolling them in the English Summer Camp today! Let them have fun learning, exploring English culture through games and activities, making friends, and creating memories that will last a lifetime. We can’t wait to welcome you to our summer camp community!

Enrol today

With Colloboriamo Parents’ Association

Scuola Primaria “Francesco Baracca” via Brambilla, 49 – Como

With Colloboriamo Parents’ Association

Scuola Primaria “Salvatore D’Imme” via Pacinotti, 1 – Civiglio

With Collegio Gallio

Collegio Gallio, Via Tolomeo Gallio, 1, 22100 Como CO

With Colloboriamo Parents’ Association

Scuola Primaria “Francesco Baracca” via Brambilla, 49 – Como

© 2011-2024 The English School Como| sede legale: via Tommaso Grossi 9, 22100 Como | partita IVA: 03300880139 | email: [email protected]