The English School Como

Corsi di preparazione IELTS

Preparati al meglio per l’IELTS con i nostri corsi! Insegnanti esperti, madrelingua con anni di esperienza nella preparazione. La nostra scuola vanta anni di successi, con centinaia di studenti che hanno raggiunto i risultati desiderati.

Prenota una consulenza gratuita e senza impegno con uno dei nostri esperti oggi stesso!

Try our IELTS test

IELTS is an international standardised test of English language proficiency for non-native English language speakers. It is jointly managed by the British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia and Cambridge Assessment English, and was established in 1989.

Our teachers are experts in IELTS preparation and we have hundreds of success stories amongst our students.

Get in touch to find out more about our IELTS preparation courses.

IELTS OR Cambridge CAE?

See our guide for students facing the decision between two prominent English language proficiency exams: IELTS and Cambridge CAE. Selecting the right exam is crucial. We're here to help you navigate through the similarities, differences, and nuances of both examinations.

Our free guide provides you with the essential insights and resources from our IELTS experts. Download it now and start your journey to IELTS success!

Ed The English School Como
Cat The English School Como
Sarah The English School Como
Maria The English School Como

About Us

We are a team of native English, qualified teachers and our aim is to help more people achieve their goals with English.

The English School Como is the only English school in Como run by a fully qualified mother tongue teacher.

Our school is a Recognised Cambridge Language Assessment  Centre for Preparation for all Cambridge exams up to Proficiency – C2.

Our team is made up of experienced teachers who are also certified examiners, all experts in training and preparing for the Cambridge and IELTS international exams.

Every year we train hundreds of students to take international exams that open the door to opportunities in study and in the world of work.

Preparation for a world that works and plays in English starts in elementary school and our courses start with children from 5 years old upwards.

Our Services

We provide a complete range of services for all your English language needs.

The English School Como

Cambridge Exam Preparation Courses

We have preparation courses for the whole suite of Cambridge Exams from B1 to C2.

IELTS Training

IELTS Preparation Courses

Our complete preparation for IELTS with our expert teachers has produced hundreds of successes amongst our students.

The English School Como

Conversation Courses

Keeping up your fluency is essential and our graded conversation courses provide that opportunity.

vacanze studio

Study Holidays Abroad

Preparation courses for all Cambridge exams and IELTS can be organised abroad. Combine a wonderful holiday with the achievement of one of your goals.

Why Choose Us

5 Star Rating

With well over twenty years experience in English language teaching we know exactly how to assist you in achieving your language goals

Expert professional Teachers

We have a consistently high success rate which is proved every year by the excellent results our students achieve in Cambridge and IELTS exams.

A Complete range of Services

We are able to offer preparation courses at all levels. We also offer General and Conversation courses for small groups divided by level of English. In addition, we offer study holidays and intensive summer courses.

100% English 100% Qualified

The English School Como is the only school in Como run by a fully qualified native English teacher with over twenty years experience in EFL.
We are proudly independent. We are not part of an Italian or an International chain organisation.
Since 2011 our school has been a Recognised Preparation Centre for the whole suite of Cambridge English exams up to Proficiency.

Client Testimonials

Volevo ringraziare caldamente per il sostegno e la disponibilità ricevuta! Inoltre ho passato il mio test IELTS con un punteggio totale di 6, idoneo quindi ai requisiti d’iscrizione del master! 
Complimenti per la sua scuola, per l'insegnante davvero eccellente ed anche per il sito internet che è strutturato in modo molto utile.
Ho superato il test IELTS ottenendo la certificazione del livello B2 di cui avevo bisogno. L’insegnante mi ha dato ottimi consigli su come affrontare le prove, senza il suo contributo questo risultato sarebbe stato irraggiungibile per me.


Avrai sempre un contattato diretto con noi, nessun call centre, nessun risponditore automatico.

The English School Como,
via Tommaso Grossi 9
22100 Como
Telefono: 031 3100945
Whatsapp: 333 61 80 910
Reception è aperta
da lunedì a venerdì
15.30 – 19.00

The English School Como

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