The English School Como

Classroom Worksheets

Benvenuti alla nostra sezione di risorse didattiche per insegnanti di inglese!

In questa pagina troverete una raccolta completa e curata di materiali didattici pensati per supportarvi nella preparazione delle vostre lezioni di inglese. Che siate insegnanti esperti o alle prime armi, qui troverete strumenti utili per arricchire il vostro insegnamento e stimolare l’apprendimento dei vostri studenti. Dalle attività interattive ai piani di lezione, dalle schede didattiche ai giochi linguistici, ogni risorsa è stata selezionata con cura per garantirvi qualità e rilevanza.

Esplorate i contenuti, scaricate i materiali e lasciatevi ispirare per rendere le vostre lezioni sempre più coinvolgenti ed efficaci. L’insegnamento è un viaggio continuo di scoperta e crescita, e siamo qui per accompagnarvi in ogni passo del vostro percorso educativo.

Classroom Language for Junior School

Here's an introductory worksheet. It's useful for teaching classroom language that is repeated throughout the year: Open your book, here's your homework, listen please, put your hand up etc

Goal Setting for Junior School

When we have a clear goal it makes the journey towards that goal easier to understand. Language goals in the classroom that are constantly reviewed give purpose to activities. They help both students and teachers understand the point they are on the journey.

Classroom Language for Junior School

Another example of a classroom rules worksheet for a start of term exercise.

Classroom Rules for Middle School

Classroom rules for older children.

Classroom Language for Middle School

Some useful classroom language to incorporate in to daily activities.

Goal Setting for Middle School

Another goal setting worksheet for older children.

Exam Preparation

Cambridge Starters, Movers and Flyers Sample Tests

This is a complete pack of sample tests of the whole suite of Young Learners Tests. Links to the audio samples are in the PDF.

Starters Wordlist Booklet

Vocabulary to introduce for children preparing for the Starters exam.

Classroom Activities for Starters

The Pre A1 Starters classroom activities book will help children get better at English and learn new words.

Starters Cambridge Site full of Resources

Everything you need to prepare your students for Cambridge Starters

Resources for Older Students

Cambridge English Write and Improve

Ideal for self study to help students improve their writing skills.

Cambridge KET Activities

Grammar Activities to help KET level students.

Communicative Activities

Genki English Snakes and Ladders

Useful language for a Snakes and Ladders game could be: "your turn", "my turn", "where's the dice?", where's my counter?", numbers up to 6. Make the first rule that all counting must be done in English and when a player lands on a picture they say what it is or miss a turn. Example "I'm cold."

A simple board game on the weather

The language for this board game is similar to the language for the Snakes and Ladders game. Add in weather expressions: The whole group of players say "What's the weather like?" When a player lands on a square and that player answers: "Today it's sunny." for example.

Genki English Games

A booklet with 10 very simple, very basic communicative English games for the classroom.

Genki English Starter Pack

Games and activities from Genki English. There are mini cards, big flashcards and activity worksheets. All with the theme of basic classroom language.

Our Video and Ebook Resources

Most of our information is for parents. If you, like us, have parents who ask you for advice about how to incorporate English at home, you will find these resources useful.

6 Tips to Help Your Child Learn English

Many parents ask us what they can do at home with their children to help them with English. In this video Sophie gives advice to parents about helping their children to start learning English.

Aiutare il tuo bambino con l'inglese

We prepared an ebook in Italian for parents who ask us what they can do at home to help their children with English. The ebook is full of ideas for comunicative activities that can be done at home. If you get the same sort of questions, you may find some ideas in our ebook.

Books and Audio Books
for Children

Check out our page of children’s books and audio children’s books.

Our Resources to help YOU keep up your English

English is like everything else, it needs constant practise.
Here are some resources that our adult students use to improve their English outside the classroom.

Books to help you improve your English

We have a selection of recommended books for self study. You’ll find some of them on the “books” page of our website.

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The English School Como


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